Creating a better sleep environment could prove to be the crucial first step on your road to your better night’s sleep (and the many positive consequences of that).
- Bedrooms Are For Sleeping: These days, we have so many electronic devices – notebook computers, Wireless Web, smart TVs – which make it possible to transform any room into an office or entertainment room. In order to get a good night’s rest, don’t let your bedroom become an office, a play room, or an entertainment center. People who suffer with sleep disorders must eliminate all distractions in the bedroom, be it sound, light, or task.
- Find Your Perfect Temperature: When developing a good sleep environment, you’ll want to minimize all forms of possible distress. Being too cold or too warm can interrupt a comfy sleep and once interrupted (for a person with a sleep-disorder) it could be hard to get back into a restful, heavy slumber. Keeping your room at a continuous, perfect temperature can help you get and remain asleep. Should you keep having to kick the covers away or shivering yourself awake, adjust the temperature until it’s perfect – and make note of what that number is for you. While it’s debatable concerning what the most effective temperature is, guidelines suggest that anything above 75 degrees Fahrenheit is too warm and anything below 54 degrees will be overly chilly.
- You Need A Comfy Bed: One symptom of a sleep-disorder is tossing and turning or fidgeting throughout the night, because your mattress is uncomfortable. Research has proven that supple mattresses may be more conducive to a full night’s rest versus a firmer one. A fresh mattress may be in order in the event that you’ve out-grown your present one, either in comfort or size. And you never want to sleep on a lumpy mattress. In the event that you have a partner who favors a different type of mattress, consider obtaining the type of bed where the mattress can be set by each of you to your ideal firmness.
- Keep the Clock-Out of Sight: If you can, place your alarm clock somewhere out of your line of sight. For instance, instead of having the clock on the nightstand, place it on the corner on your dresser. At the very least, turn it around backwards. If your clock is visible, you may find yourself staring at it or rolling over occasionally to look at it. It’s important that you don’t concentrate on time if you are attempting to break the cycle of wakefulness. Seeing how early it is or how little time has passed, can only result in discouragement and further frustration.
- No Lights: A darkened bedroom can help your body “know” it’s time for rest. Light activates the brain and is associated with our waking hours. To assist the body in adapting to a routine sleep cycle, it needs to be able to differentiate between daytime and bedtime. So when it is time to sleep, keep light sources to a minimum. As with a TV, a computer, or even a nightlight, you’ll want to prevent anything that will stimulate your body or mind. If you have street lights or moonlight coming through your windows, consider getting room-darkening shades. Light in your bedroom can disrupt your sleep, even if your eyes are shut.
- Clear the Clutter: Your bedroom should be a place of serenity. Clutter shouldn’t be the last thing you look at before you go to sleep. If you must have an office in your bedroom (although it’s not recommended), be sure that it is well-contained and neatly organized and not spilling out all over the bedroom. Stack magazines up neatly and organize or clear the nightstands. Creating a peaceful, calming atmosphere in your bedroom can only help you to relax and therefore sleep more peacefully.
If these steps are taken, in addition to noise reduction and any other special considerations, for example, building a separate sleeping area for any pets that normally sleep with you – then you ought to be on your way to removing several of the variables that may have already been leading to your sleep problems.