Reading a bedtime story

13 Bedtime Rituals To Help You Sleep

Can’t sleep? Consider these ideas for 13 bedtime rituals that encourage mindfulness and peaceful dreams.

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Tired Menopausal Woman

Why Does Sleep Deprivation Occur During Menopause?

One of the most common symptoms of menopause is the inability to sleep well. Your sleep is either interrupted with night sweats or hot flashes, or you just can’t get a proper night’s rest, no matter what you do.

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Dreams and Your Sleep

How Your Dreams Change Depending on Your Sleep

Modern science shows us that a large portion of us are in serious need of sleep, and that will undoubtedly increase the chance for accidents to occur.

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Tooth Grinding

Do You Grind Your Teeth During Sleep?

One of the most common ways that stress can show up during your sleep can be tooth grinding, aka Bruxism.

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Taking An Afternoon Nap

What’s The Perfect Length Of Time For A Nap?

If you’re tired of waking up from your naps feeling worse than before you went to sleep, using these two napping strategies can keep you from ever feeling foggy after a nap again.

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Sleeping at Work

The Connection Between Sleep And Productivity

Getting the full amount of sleep you need each night results in you being more alert and productive each day. Just look at the many ways that getting enough sleep can improve your performance.

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Baby Sleep Massage

How To Give Your Baby a Sleep Massage

Here are some techniques you can use to give your baby a nice, relaxing massage that will help them get to sleep.

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Binge Watching TV at Night

Understanding the Circadian Rhythm

Have you ever been curious about what processes regulate the daily ebb and flow of human life? What is the internal clock, and how does it work?

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Shift Worker Yawning

How Shift Workers Can Get Back to a Normal Sleep/Wake Routine

Take a look at some easy ways to get back on a normal sleep/wake cycle when you work a shift schedule.

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The Circadian Rhythm

How to Work With Your Circadian Rhythm

Sleep is an essential part of healing, as well as maintaining a healthy mind and body. Here are some ways to improve your own sleep/wake cycle, also called your circadian rhythm.

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Taking a Siesta

Alternative Sleeping Cycles

Do sleep schedules other than the usual 7-9 hours a night exist? Here are some alternative sleeping cycles you might want to become familiar with.

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Nighttime Routines

Starting a Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep

Daily stresses, distractions and upsets can make sleep nearly impossible, so what can you do to get to sleep more easily?

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