Where you sleep is an important factor with a lot of power that contributes to how well you sleep. By improving your sleep environment, you can change what’s keeping you awake.
Your Mattress
Tossing and turning can be directly related to the mattress you sleep on. One that’s too firm can cause you to constantly shift, trying to find a comfortable spot. A mattress that’s too firm can be unyielding and cause body aches.
On the other hand, having a mattress that’s too soft can cause backaches. You want a mattress that’s top quality – one that’s just right. You can never go wrong paying for the best mattress you can buy. But you need a sturdy, supportive box spring, too. A weak or older box spring can cause your mattress to wear and sag in some places.
Your Pillow
You’ll need the right kind of pillow for your bed in order to achieve optimal sleep. A lumpy pillow can lead to a neckache, headache or pain in your shoulders. You may wake throughout the night having to constantly fluff the wrong kind of pillow.
An unyielding pillow can be just as bad as a lumpy one. You can find ergonomic pillows that cushion your head and help you get a good night’s sleep. Base your pillow selection on the preferences you have for fillers and the sleep position you prefer.
Your Color Palette
Think “soothing” when it comes to bedroom accessories. Wall paint should be soothing and calming and promote sleep. Don’t choose vibrant paint colors for your walls because vibrant paints tend to excite the mind subconsciously.
Little Irritations
If there’s something about the room that bothers you when you’re awake, like a noisy ceiling fan, either oil it, or trade it out for a quieter one.
The lighting in your bedroom is important. Your bedroom needs to be dark. This helps your body get into a cycle of associating a dark room with time to go to sleep. Even the little bit of light from your alarm clock is enough to disturb your sleep.
Too Much Light
Keep your bedroom at an adequate temperature, leaning towards the cooler side. A too cold or too hot environment is not conducive to undisturbed sleep and it can make falling asleep harder.
Think Feng Shui
Get rid of any bedroom clutter. Clutter bothers your subconscious and weighs on you when you’re trying to go to sleep. Make organization and storage a top priority for your bedroom so that it’s a peaceful haven for you to slumber in.
How can you relax in a room like this? source
Bedrooms Are For Sleeping Only
Some bedrooms become catch all rooms where all sorts of items are stashed. Take out anything that’s not related to sleep. If you have exercise equipment in your bedroom, take it out.
Remove the television, the computer and anything dealing with work or finances from your bedroom.
Silence is Golden
Keep the room quiet, too. If you live in a noisy neighborhood, use a sound machine or earplugs. Even a simple fan can be used to block out unwanted noises.
Sleep Securely
If you live alone and have trouble sleeping because of security fears, invest in an alarm system. It will allow you to relax and sleep more deeply.
The Nose Knows
Finally, make sure your bedroom has a fresh clean scent that’s both soothing and relaxing. You can achieve this by using oils or scented room accessories.